Monday, May 27, 2013

Divine Liturgy of Ancient Chants by Priest Porphyriy Bazhansky

In 1872, Priest Porphyriy Bazhansky (1836-1920) published a book of ancient chants for the Divine Liturgy entitled: "The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom according to the best ancient chants in heirmologion notation."  The booklet of 31 pages also included an eight-page introduction, missing in this copy.  The publication received approval in 1870 but was not published at the Stavropegion in Lviv until 1872.  Bazhansky was a teacher of church singing and liturgics at the Lviv Theological Seminary and at the Stavropegial Brotherhood.  In 1890 he published a book, Исторія Руского Церковнаго Пѣнія (History of Rus’ Church Singing), outlining a general history and theory of church singing, including unique details of the history and practice of church singing in Galicia, Western Ukraine.

For additional information, see Daniel Galadza, “Church Singing and Chant in Galicia, 1900-1944. An Historical and Theological Survey,” Church, State and Nation in Orthodox Church Music. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Orthodox Church Music University of Joensuu, Finland 8 - 14 June 2009, ed. Ivan Moody and Maria Takala-Roszczenko (Jyväskylä, Finland: The International Society for Orthodox Church Music, 2010), 88-103, available in PDF via

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